Tihomir Čuljak
When the vehicle encounters deep snow, the wheels sink into the snow, and the car cannot go any further. In order to be able to continue driving, chains have to be put on the wheels, but if the snow i...
With wind turbines installed in the deep sea, the problem is strong winds and big waves. Large waves can tilt the floating base, and the entire wind turbine tilts with it, which is bad for their safet...
The price of electricity produced using wind energy depends on the cost of building the turbine, on the lifetime of the turbine, on servicing costs, and on the amount of energy produced. The biggest c...
Solar cells produce energy in a quantity that mostly depends on the power of solar radiation, the length of the day, and the surface of the solar cells. The problem is that in cloudy weather the amoun...
When working in the garden, orchard and vineyard, one often has to bend down. Also, in the thicket, when cutting bushes, the woodcutter must bend down to the ground. Bending over is difficult for many...
All over the world there are melioration canals that drain excess water from agricultural areas during periods of increased rainfall, or that serve to irrigate agricultural areas during the dry part o...
Although today most of the traffic takes place on asphalt roads, or macadam roads, many people have to drive on ordinary dirt roads during their work. This is especially true for those who work in agr...
Solar cells are used to convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy. This energy can be consumed immediately, it can be delivered to the electricity grid if it exists at the location, or it...
Today, many countries, especially China and Arab countries, are building artificial islands, but they are solid, not floating. This is usually done in places where the sea is very shallow. To make a s...
During the summer heat and dry weather, fires in open spaces are a frequent occurrence, especially in forests and thickets that are not cultivated and where there are no grazing livestock. And when dr...
Fishermen at sea usually only catch some kind of fish. Everything else they catch is usually thrown back into the sea. These are various types of small fish, plankton, jellyfish, seagrass, and if they...
When mosquitoes attack, people usually defend themselves with various repellents. But if they are near swamps, it doesn’t help them much. To destroy a large number of mosquitoes, it is necessary to du...
Most of the inventions, innovations and technical ideas that I have published on this page, and some that I have not yet, I decided to put together into one whole and publish as an e-book. I divided s...
When going out for a long time, hikers, mountaineers and soldiers usually resting in tents. The problem is when staying in a wetland where the soil is moist, or in frozen terrain. This problem could b...
When working in the garden, people often have to bend to the ground. It is difficult for many people. With a tricycle that has a low seat, it is possible to ride a tricycle, and sitting on it to plant...
Cows, horses, sheep and goats are domestic animals that are often kept outdoors so that grass and bushes can fall. But in bad weather they need to be protected from rain or snow by placing them under...
Most people fence their houses and farms most often with wire fences. Such fences are good against dogs, jackals, foxes and similar animals. These fences can well keep chickens, sheep, goats or cows i...
There are ships that can sail on icy water surfaces. They are called icebreakers. Some of them hit the ice with their front end, thus breaking it, which allows them to continue sailing. When the ice i...
Rabbits and poultry are usually kept in cages. If kept outdoors they should be protected from beasts and birds of prey. Keeping them outdoors is more humane, they can live longer, and no cleaning is r...
The garden on raised beds is most often built by gardeners who have little space, or those who find it difficult to bend to the ground. If such beds are raised to a meter in height, planting and harve...
Page 11 from 13. Results 201 - 220 from 243.