Promoting Workplace Excellence: Monthly Training Highlights

Promoting Workplace Excellence: Monthly Training Highlights

At DIC, our core values emphasize taking responsibility for performance across offices, laboratories, and factories, demonstrating dedication to customers, suppliers, and colleagues. Recently, PT. Pardic Jaya Chemicals conducted a fire safety emergency drill and DIC Malaysia carried out a Junior Management Development Program to further these goals.

PT Pardic Jaya Chemicals (PJC) conducted an emergency drill focused on responding to fire disasters. Collaborating with residents, UPT Damkar Cibodas, and the Tangerang City Fire Officer Team Cibodas Unit, the drill successfully evacuated approximately 300 staff, visitors, and contractors, monitored by each area’s specific evacuation captain.

  Led by the ERT Commander, the PJC Emergency Response Team worked alongside the UPT Damkar Cibodas fire team, utilizing various fire extinguishing facilities. Mr. Rifian Tara, PJC’s Emergency Team Commander, expressed gratitude to all emergency response team members and personnel for putting together what might have been the largest-ever emergency drill for the company.  This emergency fire drill served as the standard for handling fire emergencies, and showcased PT PJC’s commitment to emergency response readiness. 


DIC Malaysia launched a Junior Management Development Program, designed for newly promoted managers or existing junior managers, with the aim to bolster their leadership and management capabilities. 

This comprehensive training spanned over a five-month period and comprised of four different modules: Self-Mastery, Communication and Interpersonal EQ, Problem Solving and Decision Making, and Leadership and Management Skills.  

Tan Hok Eng, a Certified Meta Coach by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics, USA, facilitated these modules. Throughout the program, Coach Tan guided and motivated participants, fostering improved performance in their roles within the company. 

According to Assistant Product Manager, Lee Khuan Kiat, “The Junior Management Development Program, has taught me the importance of mind over matter in driving the right mindset within myself and my team to embrace change. I am inspired and enlightened by the amazing insights I gained from this program and am looking forward to putting them into practice in my personal and professional life.”

At DIC, we encourage continuous training to ensure our employees reach their highest potential while maintaining a safe work environment. By investing in regular training programs, we empower our team to uphold safety standards and strive for excellence in all aspects of their work.