Portal Novenews.net recognizes the privacy of its users and works to keep them. For all the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and other statutory regulations of the Republic of Croatia that this area covers Novenews.net data processing manager.
The site owner retains the copyright to all his / her own content (textual and visual material, database, and developer code). Unauthorized use of any part of this internet application is considered to be a copyright infringement and is subject to a lawsuit.
With this policy, we want to clarify why we collect personal information and how we use this information. We will clarify the legal basis and the rights of users to the same.
This document clarifies the domain defined by Novenews and the data you provided. Please note that this text is not final and is regularly updated with new information and knowledge. Any significant change to these terms will be publicly communicated to all users via the portal. Since the use of these pages is based on these conditions, Please find time and sometimes read them again and always re-evaluate if you agree to the above.
The types and quantities of information we collect depend on the purpose of the same. This data is not processed and is not used for any analysis.
In order to identify the registered users and to ensure the authenticity of the account at Novenews.net, we require a username and an e-mail address.
Registered User is considered to be any person accepting these General Terms and Conditions and becoming a registered user.
Unregistered user is any person accessing the portal, and such persons can search and browse published texts, images and comments. Such users can not post any texts, comments, or flirting anybody else's texts.
Information that a registered user enumerates when using a filter to classify published texts and title images are related only to specific text and may be different from any other text of the same author. When a user searches for a database using a filter filter chooses certain criteria for themselves, this is a single-sided data that only applies to a specific search and is not recorded in user data.
We collect user information when interacting with the user when visiting the site, registering, entering content (texts, comments) and changing the information given during registration. Each user can delete all data, texts and comments entered on the page.
We use the information we collect to make accessible to all site visitors all the texts and comments posted by the registered users on the portal; user name and image of the author of the text or comment, the number of text views, the number of commentaries of each comment author's text, the number of flattery and who has spoken. Commentaries and flags can only be added by registered users.
Using user data for the above purposes is in compliance with the regulatory framework because we adhere to these principles:
The information you trust us is used solely for the purposes stated on this site.