How to reduce air pollution, prevent forest fires, and increase food supply?

How to reduce air pollution, prevent forest fires, and increase food supply?

According to some satellite images, the land surface under vegetation increases with increasing CO2 levels in the air.

The same footage shows a very large disappearance of forests, which disappear in logging and fires.

And satellites with CO2 sensors show that the amount of this gas is significantly increased during the winter, while with the advent of spring, the level of this greenhouse gas is very rapidly reduced to a minimum.

The interpretation of this information is very different from the various scholars, depending on who provides them with pay.

Some fear that sea levels will rise, and coastal cities will flood.

Others say the deserts will expand, and large climatic migrations will begin, though data say vegetation is expanding to the deserts as well. And that is easy to explain. When there is more carbon dioxide in the air, plants do not have to take carbon from the soil, so they have enough water to grow.

Others say that because of deforestation, CO2 levels will increase even faster, although wheat and clover produce oxygen just as much as trees do. This is most commonly said by those funded by European and American farmers who are not matched by competition from Brazil or Asia.

My experience tells me that I used to play at +40 a summer, but often went to school when it was -20. Summers were the same as today, while the winters were really colder. Scientists like averages, so they talk about average warming, while I'm more interested in winter warming. It is completely in line with satellite imagery, which speaks of increased winter levels of carbon dioxide in the air.

In winter, when there are not many green plants, the pollution level does increase, but as soon as it starts to grows the spring plants it eats most of the carbon dioxide in the air. With plants, this is much easier than taking carbon dissolved in water out of the ground.

This cognition is very important for any action that should result in the reduction of CO2 in the air.

The absorption of carbon from the air by plants can be stimulated by the planting of evergreens so that the plants can use it for their growth in winter.

And perhaps it is precisely the actions of the timber industry in the northern hemisphere that have resulted in increased levels of CO2 in the air, as they gladly cut down evergreen pines and fir trees, while most often they plant deciduous trees for paper production.

To change this, most ordinary citizens can do.

If people were planting hedgerow hedges around the house instead of deciduous hedges, much could be done to reduce CO2 in the air in winter. One evergreen hedge around the house means nothing, but a hundred million hedges would have a considerable effect.

Much could be done by road owners.

On the highways, an evergreen hedge could be planted between the left and right lanes. It would have two functions, producing oxygen both in the summer and in the winter, while at the same time preventing distraction by drivers from the opposite direction at night.

Along the roads could also be planted with evergreen hedges instead of grass that only grows in summer. In places where strong winds sometimes blow along the road, evergreen shrubs could be planted, while evergreen cypress trees could be planted in the second row. They provide good wind protection, are fire resistant and produce oxygen in the winter.

The same trees could be planted on the south side of all field roads, which would not harm agriculture. On the contrary, grazing cattle could rest in the shade of such trees.

We could also plant evergreen shrubs on the south side of all Polish amelioration canals, and around streams and rivers. This would be very useful for the life of small birds and other animals, and would produce oxygen in the winter.

With these outlines, the area under evergreens could increase significantly, especially in cities as sites of greatest pollution.

All these moves are much cheaper than injecting carbon into the ground, and all could be done at no cost to the state. It would be sufficient to change the regulations for maintaining the area around roads, field roads, drainage channels, streams and rivers.

And all of this would be a lot cheaper than investing in uneconomic energy sources, or electric cars. Investment in renewable energy sources should be encouraged, but only when it is profitable and in locations where it is profitable. Investing in electric cars is only good for city dwellers, as they less pollute the air in cities, but it is bad for those who live around power plants that produce electricity for electric cars. And when you calculate the energy needed to produce batteries, electric cars consume more energy than gasoline engines.

Environmentalists attribute global warming to the rise of wildfires. 

However, there is no evidence for this. For forest fires, the most important thing is the large amount of grass under the trees and the wind. When there is no wind, each fire can be easily extinguished, but when strong winds blow the fire is unstoppable.

Sometimes the grass under the trees was grazed by animals, both wild and domestic. Today, wild animals are largely exterminated, and domestic animals are mostly kept in stables. And without the animals under the trees, a thick layer of plant mass is created, which in the summer without a rain becomes very flammable. This plant mass can only be removed by mowing, plowing, or grazing. If any of this is not done, the only question is when will the large dry plant mass burn.

The remedy for this is very simple, it is necessary to abolish the incentives for cattle kept in stables and to introduce incentives only for those cattle which are kept outdoors for at least 9 months of the year. These incentives should be the same for grass-fed sheep, goats that eat grass and low shrubs, and even lower tree branches, as well as grass-eating cows, which can also eat the leaves of trees.

To prevent the rapid spread of fire, firefighters could pay livestock farmers who would have to cross certain corridors every 15 days to make several hundred meters wide, devoid of vegetation on these routes. Moving livestock along these routes could very easily be done by moving water tanks for which the livestock would move. Cisterns could be moved several hundred meters each day through forest paths, and livestock would graze the vegetation around those paths. These corridors should serve as lines beyond which fire cannot be crossed, even during high winds. Livestock farmers who would prevent fire spreading in this way would have to be paid extra for that. The cost for this would be much less than it is spent on fire fighting and forest restoration.

And in locations where technically high quality trees burn, the damage reduction would be many times the cost to pay livestock.