Vlasnik NoveNews stranice.
Tihomir Čuljak
Nakon neuspjelih pregovora između Zelenskog i Trumpa svakome tko ima zrno razuma u glavi jasno je kako Ukrajina mora mijenjati svoju sigurnosnu strategiju. Dosadašnja stretegija je bila; "Ući u NATO i...
Lučki dokovi izrađuju se upotrebom velike količine građevinskog materijala i rada i taj posao dugo traje. Najprije se na dno mora, jezera ili rijeka nabacuje kamjenje na dno do određene visine ispod p...
Hrvatska posljednjih godina ulaže znatan dio proračuna u jačanje obrane. Kupljeni su avioni, helikopter, borbena vozila, haubice, ali ono što je najvažnije za spašavanje života civila i vojnika je ost...
U mnogim pobunama i ratovima mnogi osobna vozila, osobito Pick – apove vojnici znaju pretvoriti u borbena vozila, tako da na stražnji dio vozila postave neko oružje. Pri tome ne brinu ni o sigurnosti...
Nakon zaustavljanja srpske ofenzive 6. svibnja 1992. objavljen je sporazum Boban Karađić o prekidu neprijateljstava u BiH, te o osiguranju koridora kroz sjevernu Bosnu i veći dio Posavine. U ovom tren...
With the development of the Internet, the possibility arose for individuals to create their own electronic newspapers that competed with the print media. Such portals have begun to take on an increasi...
There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the circular economy. It is an economy in which used products are used as raw materials for new products. In order for the processing of some waste t...
This question many computer operating system designers and artificial intelligence application creators. To answer many try to copy solutions from nature. Computer scientists and microbiologists are s...
The Corona crisis has forced children around the world to learn at home online. The whole adjustment process proved to be completely unprepared. Online teaching has become a mere copy of school teachi...
The green ideology appeared at the moment of the most significant conflict between the nuclear lobby and the oil lobby. In the mid-1960s France and Germany were actively developing their nuclear power...
People always knew there was light, but they didn't know what it was. Staying in dark rooms or tents, they saw it penetrate through narrow holes and light up suspended dust, and by that they knew it w...
A hundred years ago, the most popular science was Eugenics. She claimed that human races arose by random natural selection from different species of apes. It was written about every day in the newspap...
Many people made a floating raft of plastic bottles. Empty plastic bottles are placed in nylon sacks, or nets. Wooden pallets are placed on this floating structure. This raft has a large load capacity...
When a boat moves through the water it has to overcome a certain water resistance. Part of the resistance is formed on the bow where the boat penetrates through the water. The second part of the resis...
Physical activity, either as a useful work or as a game is useful for both physical and mental health. Physical activity lowers cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, alleviates the effects of dia...
Transport bags are used to carry a large amount of equipment, clothing or other material. They are used by travelers, hikers, and soldiers. Special military units sometimes carry up to 70 kilograms of...
For some people, games are pure entertainment, but for other- a source of income. Types of games have changed, but fun and work have never separated. Today's gamers who like to play games sitting, do...
Trump preuzeo američke uzde u svoje ruke. Širom svijeta strepe i čekaju da vide što e on učiniti. Na noge se digli i ekonomski nobelovci koji su desetljećima širile ideje neolibrelizma i globalizacije...
One day, astronauts will move around the lunar surface several kilometers from the base. In doing so, they will have to carry some kind of load with them, and they may even get injured. For this reaso...
Svake godine širom Dalmacije, Istre i otoka požari masovno gore, a ponekad stradaju i kuće. Gori i širom svijeta, od Australije do Amerike. U Kaliforniji ne gori samo ljeti, gori i zimi, pri čemu nest...
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