Oxford University Interview

Oxford University Interview

If you are applying to Oxford university you will need to prepare yourself for an interview. 

Myths about interviews at Oxford are common, but they're just conversations about your chosen subject with someone who knows a lot about it. Await the callback for an interview after submitting your application. Most applications have an annual deadline in October, so if you're shortlisted, you should expect a call in December. Oxford will evaluate your specifics, interests, and motivations for pursuing the course through a face-to-face, telephone, or video chat interview.

The academic tutors select students with potential and who are the best fit. The selected ones will receive a letter or an email and be given only a week’s notice of being shortlisted for the interview. Students can have more than one interview with various colleges. The interviewers want you to be yourself, and you need not ask a question at the end of the interview.  


How can you prepare yourself for the interview?

  1. Feel good about being selected for the interview as you are one of the strong contenders for the place.
  2. As soon as you receive the invitation for the interview, talk to your school or college and find out the required technology and code of conduct.
  3. Watch instructional videos and demonstrational interview videos and answer sample questions.
  4. Re-read your personal statement. Try to remember the answers you gave in the admissions test.
  5. You should have an answer for why you’ve chosen the subject and why you want to study at Oxford.
  6. Answer various mock tests related to the interview and your chosen course.
  7. Wear comfy clothes and adjust your camera in a way that shows your whole face. 
  8. Have a pen, paper and a bottle of water handy with your personal statement or any other required documents by your side.
  9. Do not cheat during the interview.

Final Offer

Oxford University will give you a place to study in the college of your choice if the interview process determines that you are the right fit for the programme, or if you file an open application, the university will select the best college for you.

Important Facts

1. Oxford University Acceptance Rate 
The Oxford University acceptance rate is 17.5%, making it one of the most competitive universities in the world.

2. Essay Prompts 
UCAS expects you to write a personal statement or statement of purpose. It must contain information about you in a maximum of 4000 characters (roughly 700-800 words). This essay should reflect your lifestyle, accomplishments, activities, or hobbies and the course you intend to pursue. 80% of it should include academic interests, abilities, and accomplishments, and 20% must have other extracurricular activities. 

3. Oxford application deadline  
Keeping track of your deadlines allows you to take enough time to work on your application without having to do everything at the last minute. Below are the deadlines for applying to Oxford. UCAS pplication must be completed and sent to UCAS for Oxford on 15th October 2022, and most medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine/science courses should be sent to UCAS before 18:00 (UK time).