Electric scooter for garden, orchard, vineyard and thicket

Electric scooter for garden, orchard, vineyard and thicket

When working in the garden, orchard and vineyard, one often has to bend down. Also, in the thicket, when cutting bushes, the woodcutter must bend down to the ground. Bending over is difficult for many old and obese people, and impossible for pregnant women and some disabled people. So that they could also sometimes do something in the garden, it would be good for them to make special modifications and improvements to the existing scooters for driving. This kind of scooter must have wider tires so that it can more easily go over bumpy terrain or over smaller branches. It is best if it has an electric drive, so that the energy is consumed only while driving, while the energy is not consumed when the driver is doing something with his hands on the ground. The power of the scooter must be large enough to start even when its wheel is in a small depression, or when it needs to go up a slight hill.

In the example shown in the picture, the seat has been reworked so that the driver can ride sitting on that seat while driving on flat terrain, and when something needs to be done, the seat folds back, and then the driver can sit on the bottom of the scooter where they are kept during normal driving feet. An accessory was also made that is mounted on the front holder of the steering wheel, and two crates or baskets can be placed on this accessory in which to place harvested or collected fruits.

It would be ideal if the scooter was made just to help gardeners. Such a scooter should have three wheels for greater stability, so that it cannot tip over. Above the front wheel there should be a wide fender for the driver to put his feet on. It should also be possible for the driver to turn the steering wheel with his feet, and to add gas and brakes with his feet, so that both hands remain free for work.

Video recording of the work.