A snow blower is a machine that has a bucket at the front with rotating blades that throw snow towards the middle of the bucket. This crushed mass of snow is picked up by a spiral screw that lifts the snow up and throws it to one side. The machine operator determines which side the snow will be deposited on, and determines the direction in which the snow will be cleared.
A machine like this could very easily be converted into a machine for digging military trenches, or into a machine for cleaning drainage channels. It would be enough to replace the front knives with much stronger knives that would have much smaller teeth. Such knives with smaller teeth would cut much harder soil into very small particles that the spiral screw could lift up and throw aside.
This modified machine could move along the bottom of the drainage channel, and clean it of sediment or deepen it, without first having to clean the vegetation from the sides of such a channel.
When digging new canals or trenches, the same section of the canal should be passed several times. On the first pass, the operator could dig a channel as deep as the height of the rotating knives. Then he would go back and in the second pass deepen the channel to double the height of the knives. Then it would go back again, and in the third pass the channel would have a depth three times the height of the knives. In this way, in several passes of the machine through the same channel, the required depth of the channel, or trench, would be obtained. And if a military trench collapses due to the action of enemy artillery, it can be quickly cleaned or deepened with this machine.
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