Inclined furnace for melting mixed household waste, pyrolysis

Inclined furnace for melting mixed household waste,  pyrolysis

Household waste contains a large percentage of materials that can melt at high temperatures. These are various fats, wax, paraffins, paints, glues, some types of plastic, soldering iron, and the like.

This type of waste can be separated at temperatures up to 300 degrees. For a higher quality of separation, the waste must first be ground.

The furnace for this kind of waste separation is shown in the picture above.
The waste is heated in a large wide iron pipe (1) placed at an angle of 5% to 20%, depending on the type of waste being processed. This iron pipe(1) is located inside the brick oven(4). Under the slanted iron pipe (1) there is a firebox (5) on which fuel is placed, which burns and creates heat. Mixed waste is inserted into the iron pipe (1) from above. When this iron tube (1) is filled, it is closed with the upper cover (11) so that no air can enter it. Hot waste could ignite in contact with oxygen from the air, which is undesirable.
The waste in the slanted iron pipe (1) is heated and various gases are released. These gases are drained through the gas drain pipe (3) under the bed (5) from where they pass into the bed and are burned in the process.
By heating the waste, fats, wax and paraffins first melt and flow out through the opening (2a) located at the bottom of the slanted iron pipe (1). Further heating also melts some plastics that are separated through the opening (2b). With even greater heating, metals such as solder melt, and they flow out through the opening (2c). At the bottom of the slanted iron pipe (1) there is a cover (7) that prevents air from entering the slanted iron pipe. The waste slowly slides to the bottom, reducing its volume. By separating the liquid waste fractions in the pipe, inert waste such as glass, dust, concrete and the like remains. There is also dehydrated biological waste soaked in liquid plastic. This mass is discharged into a container (10) which can be in the form of various building elements. When the container (10) is filled with a mass of melted plastic, inert waste and dehydrated waste, under pressure it is possible to turn this mass into solid cubes of different shapes. These cubes can be used as paving slabs for paths and the like.
It is necessary to periodically insert fuel into the furnace through the opening for burning (7). It is possible to regulate the temperature in the furnace by opening the opening for air entry (8) to a smaller or larger size in the combustion chamber.