Jellyfish and plankton fishing

Jellyfish and plankton fishing

Fishermen at sea usually only catch some kind of fish. Everything else they catch is usually thrown back into the sea. These are various types of small fish, plankton, jellyfish, seagrass, and if they process fish at sea, then they throw the rest of the processing into the sea.
All this waste could be used for additional income.
Waste can be used for production; a) animal feed, b) raw materials for biogas, c) fertilizers for agriculture.
Fishing waste can be collected from fishing boats very easily, with very little extra work. It would be collected in slightly processed plastic crates that would hang from the sides of fishing boats, and the waste that is removed from the deck would be collected in such crates. Waste is removed from the deck by throwing it out through small openings at the bottom of the railing, and crates should be placed under those openings.
In each such crate (2), a small partition (3) should be installed on one side, which is slightly lower than the sides of the crate (2). A porous cloth (4) was transferred over the crate (2) and a small partition (3) so that water drained from the plankton, jellyfish and fish waste inserted into the crate (2). In this way, draining the inserted mass reduces the volume of that mass.
Several such plastic crates (3) are inserted into a metal container (5) in which the side, top and bottom sides are made of metal profiles, while around which there is a transparent plastic foil. A large number of plastic crates (2) are placed in such metal containers (5), with each small partition (3) facing the other. In this way, when inserting fish waste into a plastic crate (2), the waste fills the available space. When this space is filled, the waste is poured over a small partition (3) and falls into the lower plastic box (2). When this plastic crate (2) is also filled with waste, it is poured over the small partition (3) into the next lower plastic crate (2).
A number of such metal containers (5) with plastic crates (2) are hung on the fence of the fishing boat (1) by means of ropes (7). In order to prevent metal containers (5) from hitting the hull of the ship, rubber bumpers (6) are placed on each metal container (5), which cushions the impact of metal containers (5) into the hull, and eliminates the sounds of metal hitting metal.
After filling the crates (2) with fish waste, while the ship is sailing, the sun passes through the transparent plastic sides of the metal containers (5), and the waste dries, reducing its weight and volume. Upon arrival at the port, the metal containers (5) are lifted and turned upside down, whereby all slightly dried waste falls out on the prepared containers, from where it is sent for further processing.
The whole procedure with individual elements is shown in the pictures.
Sl. 1. shows a cross section of one plastic box (2) on the side.
Sl. 2. shows a view of the metal container (5) and the plastic crate (2) from above.
Sl. 3. shows a side section of the entire fish waste-filled metal container (5) from the side.
Sl. 4. shows a cross section of a ship (1) with metal containers (5) hanging from the sides of the ship.