When going out for a long time, hikers, mountaineers and soldiers usually resting in tents. The problem is when staying in a wetland where the soil is moist, or in frozen terrain. This problem could be solved by box-shaped bearings with lids, shown in the picture above.
This box made of composite materials, plastic or aluminum could serve as a small boat for crossing water surfaces, and as a place to stay during rain, snow and cold weather. Several of these bearings can be placed in each other like plastic cups, and when placed, one is placed on the ground, while the other turned upside down serves as a cover. These two parts can be connected from the inside with clasps, so that wild animals cannot open them by force. The buckles should also have keys that can be opened from the outside, so the bearing could also serve as a large box for storing and locking things.
Small transparent parts could be installed on the sides of the bearings, which would serve as windows for observing the surroundings when a person is inside them.
When moving on the terrain, several bearings placed in each other could be dragged on wet ground or snow, they could be navigated on water, and all equipment could be placed in them.
On dry terrain, two hikers or soldiers is could carry multiple beds housed in each other instead of carrying backpacks on their backs.
In combat, military performance, the bearing could be made of iron, and thus could be serve as protection from enemy grenades. Such a bearing could also be used as a roof over buried trenches.
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