Mobile toilet with built-in recycling of washing water

Mobile toilet with built-in recycling of washing water

Mobile toilets that are quick and easy to place in places where there is no sewerage are increasingly used.

Most often they are placed at excursions, big concerts, parking lots and similar places. They are placed everywhere where a large number of people appear in a short time.

All of these mobile toilets have a limited amount of rinsing water and are quickly filled. This is why they often need to drain and refill the water.

Disadvantages of mobile toilets could be reduced by installing biological waste bins. This drainage of liquid waste turns into briquettes with very little moisture and puts them in a briquette baking vessel (10). This container is more likely to be emptied. These waste briquettes can be useful for grassing, or can be used as a fuel after drying.

The pressure is triggered by the weight of the toilet user.

When the user stays on the board catches (2) the board moves down. In this case, the pin picks (4) rotates the gear pin (6). The gear is rotated by a spiral clamp (7) that implements biological waste and pushes it toward the perforated pipe (9). In this way, water, due to pressure action, comes out through small openings. This water is deposited in a dish of dirty water (8). This dirty water is used again to rinse the toilet bowl. This way the same water can be used several times to wash the toilet. This dirty water can occasionally be dropped and replaced with clean water through a clean water pipe (11).

When the user comes down from the board catches (2) she rises upward with the help of the spring. When the next user enters the toilet, the same way is restarted.

Such mobile toilets could be used much longer in selected locations. Because of the less water needs, and because of the lower number of discharge it would be much more economical than the existing mobile toilets.