Rabbits and poultry are usually kept in cages. If kept outdoors they should be protected from beasts and birds of prey. Keeping them outdoors is more humane, they can live longer, and no cleaning is required. The manure produced remains on the ground where earthworms can use it as food.
A strong wire fence usually protects them from beasts, but not from birds of prey. This problem can be solved by using a flexible solid net that protects both from the side and from above. Such a net needs to be attached to one high rod with one end, and the other end is spread on the ground around the rod. The stick is placed on a small pyramid that serves as a carrier for this stick, as protection for rabbits from rain, but also as a nest for chickens when it is covered. At the lower end of the net every 15 -20 centimeters it is necessary to attach an iron chain that holds the bottom of the net to the ground. The lower end of the net is additionally fastened to the ground with the help of bricks, or larger stones that rabbits cannot move from the inside, or beasts from the outside. In this way, a cone-shaped mesh cage is obtained. If there is a danger of larger beasts then the chain can be additionally fastened to the ground with small wedges. The best net is a solid fishing net with small openings through which no weasels or martens can enter, and in yards where there is a danger only from cats, a hail protection net can also be used.
Rabbits have a habit of digging holes in the ground, so it is occasionally good to transfer this large net cage to an adjacent surface. This is best done when rabbits eat all the grass in one place. By moving the net to the ground with large grass the rabbits begin to eat it, and in the first place the grass has a chance to grow back from the roots.
In this way, rabbits or hens can be kept in yards without the risk of damaging ornamental plants, or in the garden without the risk of damaging vegetables or fruits. And lawn waste from the yard can serve as food for rabbits and poultry. Likewise, garden waste and kitchen waste can serve as food thus reducing waste.
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