Dugouts are usually built in the ground from concrete and brick, if they are for long-term use, or from wood if they are for a shorter period of use. If they are built from wood, then the side posts are first placed, on which thick beams are placed from above, over which the soil is piled. In a similar way, protection against collapsing at mines is built.
In the case of concrete dugouts, the side walls are first built or concreted, and reinforced concrete is placed on them from above.
In tunnels, a hole in the form of a semi-circular arch is first dug, and this semi-arch is lined with reinforcement mesh, which is then concreted.
All this takes a long time.
The construction process could be significantly accelerated by building dugouts and tunnels using pre-prepared and imported concrete elements.
Two elements are enough.
The first element is semicircular columns (1) made of reinforced concrete, which are placed on the prepared ground on both sides of the dugout or tunnel. They are placed on the ground on the lower side, and on the upper side they rest on a flat beam (1) which is also made of reinforced concrete, and which is placed on the upper part of the dugout, or tunnel. In this way, a straight column (2) connects several lateral semicircular columns (1).
After such semi-circular columns (1) are placed, nylon foil can be placed over them as protection against water. If the dugout is to be used for a long time, and if high speed of construction is not important, a reinforcing mesh can be placed over this foil, which is then filled with concrete, in order to increase its strength. After that, the entire length of the dugout can be covered with earth.
If the dugout is made in an excavated tunnel, then semicircular posts are placed on the sides of the tunnel, and by placing material under the bottom of the post, they rise until they touch the ceiling of the tunnel and the flat beam (2) that is located halfway up the ceiling. When the entire tunnel is lined with semicircular columns (1), then a reinforcing mesh can be placed over the columns on the inside, which should be covered with concrete.
Such light elements could speed up the construction of dugouts for storing food, or for housing soldiers and military equipment in war. And they could also be used for protection against collapse in mines and tunnels.
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