Maritime transport is the cheapest transport, and immediately behind it is rail transport. In order to speed up and reduce the cost of transport with these two modes of transport, container traffic has been designed to transport goods in containers that can be stacked on both railway wagons and ships.
Both of these two modes of transportation have both advantages and disadvantages.
The problem with rail transport is that the size and weight of the cargo that can be transported is limited, as well as the excessive loss of time at terminals for transhipment to ships or trucks.
The problem with shipping is slowness, especially when goods come from the other side of the world. In order to speed up this transport, many ships try to shorten the route by passing through artificial canals such as the Suez Canal or the Panama Canal. The large number of ships that want to pass through such channels causes waiting in line, which further slows down traffic. This problem could be solved by building a parallel railway to transport small and medium-sized ships. Such a special railway would be built in parallel with the canals through which there is too much traffic.
Such a railway shown in the figure above should have two parallel tracks at least eight meters apart. The rails within one track should be at least three meters apart. Both tracks would be located on the same reinforced concrete sleepers (1). Such thresholds (1) in the form of an I profile should be 20 meters long, 2 meters high and one meter wide at the bottom and top. Rails (2) at least half a meter high would be placed on such large sills (1). Due to the fact that the sills (1) are 2 meters high below the rails (2), animals could pass freely.
The wagons (3) should be 9 meters wide and would have a larger number of wheel axles. The axles could be moved slightly from left to right so that the wagons (3) could pass easily in bends. Each axle would have its own electric motor so that the wagons (3) could move on their own.
Ships (4) up to 9 meters wide could be placed on such large wagons (3).
In order for ships to board wagons, the tracks would have to be laid deep in the water at the beginning and end at the level of the size of the gauze that the ships to be loaded have. A large number of airbags should be glued to the platform of the wagon on which the ships would be placed. These airbags would be lightly inflated after boarding the ship to distribute the weight of the ship evenly over the entire surface of the wagon. The wagons would move on their track at the same time in two directions, as on all other two-track railways.
Ships wider than 9 meters would board two wagons placed in parallel, each on its own track. In this case, the traffic would run in one direction on both tracks, and those wagons moving from the opposite direction would have to take shelter on the shunting tracks.
When transporting ships 9 to 20 meters wide, 20-meter-long steel profiles, or thick logs, would be placed on parallel wagons. And such wide ships would be placed on such steel profiles or thick logs that connect two parallel wagons.
Thanks to this possibility of transporting small and medium-sized ships by rail, traffic through maritime canals with constitutions and dams would be significantly reduced, and only the largest ships wider than 20 meters would move through such canals. This would make the transport capacity through maritime canals much larger and faster.
Such railways could also be built as connections between large lakes that have a greater height difference and do not have a navigable connection.
A number of my other innovations and ideas can be seen in this book.
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