The best wind turbine for cottages, detached houses, boats, sailboats and yachts

The best wind turbine for cottages, detached houses, boats, sailboats and yachts

On this new model of wind turbine with sails, I made some improvements that allow much easier installation, lifting, or later lowering in case of failure or servicing. For that I had to make changes to the pedestal. I have shown the editing process in this short film.

Everything can be done by one man with the help of ladders and pulleys. 

This model with a stand for fast lifting and lowering can be placed on stand-alone stands, on the roofs of houses, but also on sailing ships, sailboats or yachts. In this way, sailboats and yachts would become independent of other energy sources.

On sailboats, the pedestal can be 1-2 meters high, while on the ground there should be more around the surrounding objects.

For larger models, these wind turbine sails must have a built-in mechanism for collecting the sails so that storms do not overturn them. I have shown such a mechanism on earlier models, here and also there.

Thanks to such a mechanism for collecting sails, these two larger wind turbines could be placed on sea and river ships that do not require high speed. Electric generators would not be in the air but at the bottom of the ship, so they would improve the stability of the ship. The electricity accumulated in the batteries would allow navigation even when there is no wind. This would make the ships energy independent, as well as houses and cottages that do not have a grid connection, and install such a quick and easy to install wind turbine.


More about this type of wind turbine can be read in this book of mine about my innovations,  end this book.