Vlasnik NoveNews stranice.
Tihomir Čuljak
Kada vozilo naiđe na duboki snijeg kotači propadnu u snijeg, te automobil ne može dalje ići. Kako bi mogao nastaviti sa vožnjom na kotače se moraju staviti lanci, ali ako je snijeg previše dubok tada...
Prvi koji je ustvrdio kako država mora kontrolirati rađanje želi li stvoriti jaču rasu bio je grčki filozof Platon. Spartanci su vršili selekciju tako što su boležljivu djecu iznosili iz grada i ostav...
With wind turbines installed in the deep sea, the problem is strong winds and big waves. Large waves can tilt the floating base, and the entire wind turbine tilts with it, which is bad for their safet...
Kod vjetroturbina postavljenih u dubokom moru problem su jaki vjetrovi i veliki valovi. Veliki valovi mogu nakriviti plutajuće postolje, a sa njime se nagiba i čitava vjetroturbina, što je loše za nji...
Svi se digli na stražnje noge. Uvođenje eura mnogi koriste za dizanje cijena. Kažu neopravdano. A jeli baš tako? I baš nikom, ni političarima, ni novinarima, ni ekonomskim analitičarima ne pada na pam...
The price of electricity produced using wind energy depends on the cost of building the turbine, on the lifetime of the turbine, on servicing costs, and on the amount of energy produced. The biggest c...
Solar cells produce energy in a quantity that mostly depends on the power of solar radiation, the length of the day, and the surface of the solar cells. The problem is that in cloudy weather the amoun...
Dugouts are usually built in the ground from concrete and brick, if they are for long-term use, or from wood if they are for a shorter period of use. If they are built from wood, then the side posts a...
Minefields are cleared in various ways. After the war, they are cleaned manually, or with special vehicles for cleaning mines. During battles, they can be cleaned with explosions. For this, special ty...
Godinama, mnogi razni politički analitičari iznose sumnje kako svijetom tajno upravlja skupina ljudi koji čine svjetsku Vladu. Neki u tome vide tajno povezanu svjetsku bogatu financijsku, naftnu i ind...
Cijena električne energije proizvedene pomoću energije vjetra ovisi o trošku izgradnje turbine, o vijeku trajanja turbine, o troškovima servisiranja, te o proizvedenoj količini energije. Najveći troša...
When working in the garden, orchard and vineyard, one often has to bend down. Also, in the thicket, when cutting bushes, the woodcutter must bend down to the ground. Bending over is difficult for many...
Drones are a new, very cheap reconnaissance and offensive weapon that is difficult to defend against. Most often, they are so small that radars cannot notice them, and even people from the ground cann...
All over the world there are melioration canals that drain excess water from agricultural areas during periods of increased rainfall, or that serve to irrigate agricultural areas during the dry part o...
Modern protective vests made of kelver are most often used by police officers, solders, security guards and important persons. These vests protect very well against pistol ammunition. Military protect...
Although today most of the traffic takes place on asphalt roads, or macadam roads, many people have to drive on ordinary dirt roads during their work. This is especially true for those who work in agr...
Nakon dugog razdoblja apatije svjetsko nogometno prvenstvo nam je, nakratko, diglo raspoloženje nacije. Mnogi koji više nisu sigurni što su opet su počeli pjevati hrvatske pjesme. Nakratko. To je rezu...
Minska polja se čiste na razne načine. Nakon rata čiste se ručno, ili posebnim vozilima za čišćenje mina. U toku borbi mogu se čistiti eksplozijama. Za to se koriste posebne vrste velikih projektila k...
Solar cells are used to convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy. This energy can be consumed immediately, it can be delivered to the electricity grid if it exists at the location, or it...
Pontoon bridges usually consist of floating parts over which small bridges are placed. They usually serve as temporary bridges, and are most often used in war. Such floating bridges must be portable a...
Page 12 from 35. Results 221 - 240 from 686.